Archive – Artistic Solutions in the Rock Art
Comparisons of style with big game, introduction >
Album 1, outlining >

Cultural techniques of the cattle period, Introduction >
Album 2, outlining >

The Appearance of Man, Introduction >
Album 3, outlining >

Men and Masks, Introduction >
Album 4, outlining >

Variety of signs in the Messak Region, introduction >
Album 5, outlining >

In this “archive” we’re dealing with the Rock Art in the Messak area. In so doing we’re taking an artistic point of view as our starting point.Also certain criteria of order are being established. One after another we’ll be looking at presentations

  • of big game like rhinoceros, elephant, giraffe, bubalus (Bubalus antiquus or Syncerus caffer antiquus, a species of buffalos extinct 5000 years ago);
  • of cattle,
  • of man and everyday life where man appears;
  • of mask people (humans with the heads of hyenas, also described as “hommes-chien” in literature);
  • of mysterious signs that can be found in the Messak Desert (i.e. decorations, devices, etc.).

The formal and artistic image findings are of a singular, overwhelming quality.

Comparisons of style with big game (outlining) >

Cultural techniques of the cattle period (outlining) >

The Appearance of Man (outlining) >

Men and Masks (outlining) >

Variety of signs in the Messak Region (outlining) >